Korean Traditional Food Guide

Welcome to CDS 10A's blog! This blog will be your tour guide about Korean traditional food. Not only that we are going to introduce you our proud Korean foods, but we will also fill you up with basic background, history, their changes and continuities, our own personal experiences and food comparisons with foreign foods. Take your time looking around our blog and spread the word!!!! (SPICE is used : p)



Basic Info:
Ricecake is made by either baking, or frying powered grains. Ricecake is a unique food that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. One surprising fact about ricecakes is that there are over 200 types of them. This shows how much Koreans loved ricecakes, because if they were not popular, there would not have been so many varieties. Steamed ricecakes are one of Korea’s oldest standard foods.

Different types of ricecakes 1
It is most likely that ricecakes first appeared in Korean history around 1st century and by the period of three kingdoms, ricecakes were principle foods of Koreans. Because Korea strongly depended on agriculture, as Korean agricultural skills developed, ricecakes also developed. Back in the old days, ricecakes were much more valuable than they are now and they were essential in important meals and celebrations. Baksulgi and shiruddeok are prim examples of ricecakes that were eaten on only special days in the past. However, both of these ricecakes are easily findable today.

Different types of ricecakes 2
Because all ricecakes were mostly made out of grains, they were nutritious and even a  small amount of ricecake was able to fill the hunger of many people. Without the development of ricecakes, perhaps the food culture of Korea would have been completely different. Also, it is interesting that Korea’s neighboring countries, China and Japan both had ricecakes. However, ricecakes of all three countries were different and this shows how different culture can have different effects.

In modern days, ricecakes are used in other foods as well. For example, some breads have ricecake in them, creating a distinctive flavor. Such example shows how traditional Korean food, ricecake interacted with foods from other nations to create new atypical foods. Ricecakes are not as important to Koreans anymore, but they are still used in some major Korean meals such as ddeokguk.

I've heard that foreigners do not like ricecakes, but I still recommend ricecakes, because there are many varieties and there will be ricecakes that are delicious for foreigners. I think that along with kimchi, ricecakes represent the food of Korea the best.

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